Designing a Strategic Entrepreneurial Marketing Model in the Ceramic Tile Industry (Case Study: Yazd Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Senior Expert, Department of Business Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


One of the most attractive and profitable industries and businesses in today's world is ceramic and tile. Applying new marketing strategies in strategic entrepreneurship on social networks can be a new way to grow and improve this industry. The purpose of the present applied- developmental research is to design a strategic entrepreneurial marketing model in the ceramic and tile industry of Yazd province. This research is exploratory in nature, and exploratory mix in terms of data collection. In the qualitative section, the participant group: Academic Experts and Managers of Ceramic and Tile Manufacturing Companies were selected by non-random method and snowball method with 35 persons. The statistical sample of the quantitative section consists of 275 companies were selected by stratified random sampling. The results of the quantitative phase showed that causal conditions affecting the ceramic tile industry include creating entertainment in social media advertising, interacting, customizing products and word of mouth advertising. Interfering conditions include communication, market-based corporate governance and new investment and contextual conditions include trends, human capital and culture. The strategies presented also include; strategic goals, company growth and Knowledge creation were determined to improve productivity and mental engagement and corporate survival were identified as strategic entrepreneurial outcomes. According to these research findings, it is suggested that policymakers and planners of the ceramic tile industry should pay attention to word-of-mouth advertising on social networks. Keywords: Strategic Entrepreneurial Marketing, Ceramic Tile Industry, Social Networking, word-of-mouth Advertising. The results of this study showed that product customization is a positive factor in shaping interaction and increasing word of mouth.


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