A review of competitive facility location

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated professor of Industrial Eng-Iran University of Science and Technology

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A. Student of Industrial Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Facility location is one of the most important strategic decisions for each organization. Regarding the development of knowledge, accelerating the global economy, and change in the customers’ taste, one of the key success factors in the current global society is to consider the competition and the reaction of competitors. Customers choose the facility that fulfills their concerning utility. These factors have led organizations to pay much attention to the problem of competitive facility location and utility determination to reach their goals. This study has firstly studied and introduced the competitive facility location and classified the competitive location as paramount criteria. Then a literature review (2012-2020) was conducted in the field of competitive facility location. The central difference of this study with previous ones is the classification of papers into two groups, namely, competitive facility location and competition at the supply chain level. Also, the classification of papers has been performed based on the competition type and type of competition characteristics to investigate the studies more accurately. Based on the studies, although further attention has been paid to the competitive supply chain in recent years, the number of studies in this field is still lower than that in the field of competition at a supply chain level and mere facility location. Furthermore, due to the high computational complexity of competitive problems, authors have sought heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms in their studies to enhance efficiency, speed, and accuracy of the solution of different types of competitive location problems.


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