A Bi-Objective Mathematical Programming Model For Truck Scheduling Problem In A Cross-Dock System Considering The Sequencing And Outsourcing Of Products Under Interval-Valued Fuzzy Uncertainty Conditions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, an inbound and outbound truck scheduling problem is investigated in a multi-door cross-dock system considering due date assumptions for outbound trucks as a strict constraint. Part of the products is placed inside outsourcing trucks to ensure timely delivery, customer satisfaction, and product quality enhancement. The problem under consideration is formulated as a bi-objective mathematical programming problem whose objectives are to minimize operational costs and maximize the quality of products delivered in cross-dock. In this paper, the sequence of trucks behind the inbound and outbound doors in the cross-dock is also regarded. A mixed-integer programming model is formulated for the proposed problem. Since the real-world uncertainty is inevitable; therefore, an improved IVF-SO fuzzy method is presented in this paper to solve the model. In this paper, to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed model and also the introduced approach, a real-world example is presented to justify the performance. The numerical results of the case study demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach over previous methods.


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