A Suitable Decision-Making Approach to Select Green Manufacturing Practices for Bonab Sanat Steel Complex

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Engineering, Urmia University of Technology


Selecting effective green manufacturing practices (GMPs) for a specific industry is a complicated process due to the existence of diverse alternatives, managerial objectives, and resource limitations. In this study, we seek to propose a novel decision-making approach that is capable of formulating the objectives and resource limitations of the organizations in their GMPs selection decision-making problems. The proposed approach is a combination of methods including Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), Analytic Network Process (ANP), Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) along Zero-one Goal Programing (ZOGP) model. We validate the proposed approach through a case study of selecting effective GMPs under resource constraints for a steel manufacturing complex in Iran. In this empirical study, a set of criteria categorized in four dimensions including environmental perspective, operational perspective, organizational perspective, and external perspective is defined for evaluation of GMPs. The results indicated that among the decision dimensions, an external perspective was identified as a leading factor. This research concludes that the implementation of industrial wastewater treatment plants and establishing a waste management system are the preferred strategies among the suggested alternatives considering the available resource of the factory, at the moment.


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