Cloud Computing-based Supply Chain Network Design

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor/ WTIAU

2 Department of Engineering, College of Industrial Engineering, West Tehran Branch ,Islamic Azad University,Tehran,Iran


New technologies require new approaches to create valuable opportunities in the supply chain to integrate not only the physical progress of goods and services but also massive information and financial data. Using the technology of the day and analyzing the existing data and presenting the reports to the managers of the organization at the right time enable them to make suitable and intelligently decisions due to market fluctuations. It causes to move their effective steps toward the organizations strategic goals. Nowadays, the flexibility of the organizations is very important due to the changing customer’s needs. On the other hand, the suitable time and amount of ordering has a significant impact to reduce the costs and to increase the organization's agility. Cloud technology, as a key feature in today's world, can contribute on data transfer in various performance models of the supply chain and also in analyzing various business parts. For this purpose, this research fallows to explore the use of cloud technology to value the supply chain processes and presents the problem as a mathematical model. The mathematical model has been thoroughly solved and analyzed in the large dimensions of the problem using the best-developed optimization algorithm. The results showed that with the implementation of the proposed supply chain network, transportation and costs reduce significantly and increase company revenue, which lead the companies to the green supply chain. Moreover, by removing intermediaries, the goods are delivered to the final customer with a better price and quality, which result in more customer satisfactions.


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